Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Having visited Mexico recently, I realised that the University Department of Botany's gardens is just the place to spend a relaxing and informative tour. It is possible to book pre-arranged tours in groups, although I simply did it on my own.


An Agave stands supreme while people attend to social activities.

Also encouraging at UNAM, was this virgin bit of land illustrating
the natural layout of the area.

A revealing cross-section of the succulent garden

Th stylistic Agave vilmoriana showing all its octopus tentacles.

It was very nice to view so many different species of Yucca. I grow
a few, but non reaching these great sizes.  In the UK, it is much too
cold to grow these outdoors, and there is also the abscence of sunlight.

I love the silky feel of these Agave salmiana. Mine are still on the
very small size, but hopefully I will have something to be proud of
in a very few years. At least, I hope so.

This ucculent is absolute gem. May I introduce you to the Fouquieria purpusi. Rarely seen outside of the habitat areas of Mexico, except in specialist shops; I do adore this plant.


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