It is that time again for a visit to Miami. And even if it just for four days, the short break would still be enjoyable. The targeted holiday was the time before this, in Trinidad visiting family. This is just extra, and the kind of extras which I usually delight in. The more leisure time ... the better.
This certainly appears to be some homage to the artist
Lichtenstein, situated on the grounds of the convention
This is certainly a Vriesa, but which one I am not sure.
These are the larger varieties of the Bromeliad family,
and very spectacular they are indeed.
This is nicknamed the Cuban Pettticoat Palm, and its
classical name is Copernicia macraglossa. Both these
plants are on view at thr recently remodellede South
Beach Botanical Garden.
Above, two photos from the Fruit and Spice Park.
Above and below, two views from Fairchild Tropical