With a collection of over 100,000 art objects, it was much larger than I imagined. Another surprise was that it covered the full gamut of art history; it included European Art and Sculpture, Japanese Art, Middle Eastern Art to all that is Modern and Contemporary, and all elements of Photography. I shall be featuring some of the artwork in future postings.
Smoke was conceived by Tony Smith, and its structure reflects his explorations of patterns found in organic life. It is composed of hexagons, each supported by a triad of columns. Despite its geometric structure and logic, it is meant to capture a sense of openness, and expansive growth.
We are told that the structure was only erected once before, and because of the huge fabrication costs that version was done in plywood.
Artist: Tony Smith US 1912-1980
Title: Smoke 1967 Fabricated 2005
Media: Painted Aluminum
In spite of my many visits to Los Angeles, this was my first visit to the Los Angeles County Museum.
With a collection of over 100,000 art objects, it was much larger than I imagined. Another surprise was that it covered the full gamut of art history; it included European Art and Sculpture, Japanese Art, Middle Eastern Art to all that is Modern and Contemporary, and all elements of Photography. I shall be featuring some of the artwork in future postings.
Today, I want to salute one of the largest sculpture I had ever seen. It was so large that it was difficult to take a photo encompassing the total object.
Smoke was conceived by Tony Smith, and its structure reflects his explorations of patterns found in organic life. It is composed of hexagons, each supported by a triad of columns. Despite its geometric structure and logic, it is meant to capture a sense of openness, and expansive growth.
We are told that the structure was only erected once before, and because of the huge fabrication costs that version was done in plywood.
Artist: Tony Smith US 1912-1980
Title: Smoke 1967 Fabricated 2005
Media: Painted Aluminum