Election Time! LONDON, UK.
A small leaflet came through my door recently, stating very dramatically that this year we will be having three votes at election time. It definitely sounded unusual, and therefore it was something to celebrate. But I did not feel that way, and I saw no reason to be particularly excited by the prospect.
This is the UK, and national elections are held approcimately every four years. I say approximately, because the nature of the system allows the government in power to move the goal posts a bit as to when the elections are held.
We are assuming that the election will be held in May, 2010. Whatever your feelings, elections have reached the stage, even in so-called democracies like ours, of being rather dull affairs. The parties go through their motions, finally we are left to make our choice. It does not help when details of the event, and the candidates are left to being disclosed at the last moment.
The three votes, discussed, which offer an option to select both local and national candidates, and also includes the chance to select your MEP for the European Parliament.
Since none of the candidates are officially declared, we are left to the parties promoting themselves, and none has made a great impression, except at newspaper level, where numerous polls are presented to demonstrate obvious differences.
I will be leaving my final decision till later, probably the last moment. Are you excited by the prospect of having three votes? If so, please let me know.