Dallas Texas
After years of passing through Dallas Fort Worth, on my way to various parts of the United States, I decided to spend a few nights in the area. Soon afterwards, I was able to make sense of the DFW, and realise that Dallas and Fort Worth were separate entities, miles away from each other.
I never made it to Fort Worth, but I did visit Dallas, and managed to get a a feel for the area. Outside the airport where I stayed at a Ramada Hotel, I was surprised by the arid and sparse vegetation in an unusually flat terrain. Even in downtown Dallas, this arid feel continued. Yet there was no mistaking the skyscrapers effect downtown, even though there was an empty feel as I walked through the town, and seeing few crowded areas.
Most people appear to live in the suburbs. It was difficult in a short time to make sense of it all. One thing was very noticeable; there was a lot of room in the city. Maybe people are somewhat accurate when they say everything is bigger and better in Texas. Generally, I did not find it particularly attractive, as a city. I do not like cities where after six o' clock, all life cease in the downtown area. But maybe I am being a little too harsh. And I need to have another look.