The War Rumbles On
It is four years since The US and the so-called coalition forces entered Iraq, on the their Operation Freedom campaign. The drama is still being played out, orchestrated by the US president and his team. Tony Blair has departed, leaving the newcomer, Mr. Brown, to resolve the dire predicament in which the British army now finds itself in Basra. Meanwhile in Baghdad there is a new surge. Well I say a new surge, because that is the way it is being described in the US. An additional number of troops which will somehow, rather miraculously turn things around. And it must be working, if you listen to the voices of the Republicans. And yet we know, nothing can be further from the truth.
For the Iraqis who remain, life in the country has become a treadmill. The killings , the intimidation, the circular motions of ethnic strife, not mention ethnic cleansing; the truth is there is no end to their suffering. Yet their voices are never heard above the din and carnage which has become the sound of Iraq. Ordinary people no longer matter. Whatever their feelings, precious little is done to change their situation.
Back in Washington DC, the Bush roadshow continues. Not much has changed if you follow the antics of the President. He is still chasing that elusive victory. Without it, he would be unable to reign supreme in the Middle East, controlling the flow of traffic, the oil services, etc. Without it, he would be unable to stand tall and proud.
But the future for US and its friends look grim. Whatever the pretensions of the White House, there is a change in the guard in government. Both the Senate and the Congress are now controlled by the Democrats. People at street level has already signalled their unwillingness to support that massive financial expenditure which is needed to prop up Iraq.
Whatever way you look at it, Mr Bush will be denied his victory. What will happen eventually is a matter for debate. We are constantly being reminded that it will take them years to leave Iraq even if they want to. I am certain they will have to, and they will have to soon. The chaos that has become Iraq needs a jolt to make a fresh start. And that jolt will be provided by the Americans leaving. Only when the coalition forces are out of Iraq, will the true battle for democracy really start.
I will be watching from the balcony.