Visiting Gran Canaria City: Las Palmas Parque de San Telmo JARDIN CANARIO If you ever make it to Las Palmas, make sure have some time for the Jardin Canario. Situated on the outskirts of the city you will be confronted with an incredible landscape setting. Whichever way you approach, prpare for a dramatic climb, but you do not have to do it all at once. I started at the top, gradually and gently winding my way downwards, admiring the species of plants as I walked along. At the base, you will be confronted with a dramatic presentation of native plants and other succulents. Here, the walk becomes easier, and you can enjoy the ambience of this tranquil setting. Night Time in Las Palmas https://youtu.be/cWrDfOtpXgQ LAS CANTERAS BEACH ON MY WAY TO THE COUNTRYSIDE