Museum of Modern Art in New York In midtown Manhattan At 11 West 53rd Street Between 5th and 6th Avenue MOMA - Just Another Visit Once a year when I am in New York, I visit the Museum of Modern Art. This last year was no different. The only thing that was very different, was the time of the year. This visit was planned for the middle of June in order to catch the sunny weather. Quite obviously, I had pictured sweltering temperatures, and I becoming overwhelmed by the obvious humidity. But that was the script I prepared , but in practice it was very different. Did I get the sunny weather? Of course not. It rained most of the time, and even for the locals, the weather was appallingly bad . Still, I enjoyed the visit, and did most of the things I planned to do. The following posts will illustrate my visit to MOMA, and show some of my favourites at the museum. You may say the Museum of Modern Art is one of many museums in New York city, and you are right. But it has always held an importan...