ABOUT COPYRIGHT The image, on the left, is very important to me. More than four years ago I took this photo of one of my favourite plants. This is a picture of a Pereskia bleo in bloom. The pereskias are not very well known plants, but they are definitely some of my favourite plants. More than a year ago I came across my photo being appropriated by someone else. It was quite a shock to me. Although I seldom plaster my name across every photo I take. I do, through publication, expect that my copyright be respected, and even to be protected. It was the surprise of seeing it being used by a plant company in the US to advertise on Ebay that got me. Trying to get Ebay to do something about it proved fruitless. In the end I had to sit back and watch someone infringe my copyright, and was unable to do anything about it. A friend of mine thinks that it is an issue worth pursuing in court. What do you think?