The Credit Crunch For the last weeks, even the most uninformed has been confronted with the state of the world's finance. The collapse of respected financial institution seemed to have triggered enough fear all around, to convince money world that things will never be the same. But the big game is on in the USA, where President Bush has managed to railroad Congress into passing a four billion dollar package which he claims is needed to save the local economy, and to restore confidence in the international money market. It started off as a $700 billion package, but after much debate and hostility by politicians across the board, the final amount had to be reduced and sweetened, to make it much more acceptable to the political spectrum. So far, the passing of the bill by both Houses in the United States, has done very little to calm the money market. The European Community leaders recently met to decide their course of action. Most expected more grand plans to support banks and other...
Showing posts from October, 2008