London Heathrow Terminal 5 The opening of Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport yesterday reminds us how easily grand schemes can go wrong. The boast, since it was formerly opened by The Queen about a month ago, that this was to be the most advanced terminal in the world seemed quite hollow. And the opening chaos which followed, probably caught most of the general public by surprise. The truth is, whatever the pretensions of T5, it will probably suffer the well documented failures, just like any other Terminal. They are probably banking on the the grand food hall's elegant design, the highbrow restaurants, and the shopping arcades, to keep the travellers occupied even when things go wrong. Even if these elements do offer better service than at the other terminals, no one should seriously believe that this will make any difference to the airline's reputation. Remember this is a very unique situation where an airline, British Airways, has a terminal all for itself. Yet, when it gets it ...